Tips for Beginner Girls Beach Volleyball Players

Beach volleyball is an incredibly popular game among girls. It’s important to point out that beach volleyball has already become the sport of choice for so many girls from all over the world.There is no doubt that the game of beach volleyball is the perfect choice for those girls who want to get involved in interesting, fun and social outdoor sport activities.

It’s worth noting that the sport of beach volleyball provides girlswith multiple important health benefits. Playing the game of beach volleyball is a great way to spend more time outside and, therefore, get more fresh air. Beach volleyball also provides girls with the perfect opportunity to have a lot of fun in the sun. It’s important to keep in mind that each time you play the game of beach volleyball you get Vitamin D that’s incredibly important for health.

It’s worth noting that girls, who have never done any sportbefore, usually find it difficult to start playing beach volleyball game and make progress. The reality is it takes massive investment and dedication to become a successful beach volleyball player.

This article is dedicated to girls who have just started their journey in the sport of beach volleyball. We will provide youwith general tips to help you get started with the sport of beach volleyball. In addition, you’ll be able to find tips for beginners from two famous beach volleyball players – Jennifer Kessy and Misty May-Treanor. The athletes will tell what it takes to be a successful beach volleyball player and share their secrets for success with readers.

General Tips for Beginner Girls Beach Volleyball Players

Once you have started with the beach volleyball sport you may begin to face some challenges. Here are a few general tips to help girls volleyball players overcome all challenges easily and achieve successful results. Read on to get everything beginnergirls players need to know about beach volleyball game.

– Purchase the right clothing for girls beach volleyball players. It’s crucial for you to know that the proper clothing can add a lot to a volleyball player’s comfort and convenience. So, the first thing you need to do is to buy the proper clothing for beach volleyball. Bear in mind that there are some differences between the equipment and clothing for boys and girls beach volleyball players. The reality is boys volleyball players choose to wear shorts and tank tops. However, girls volleyball players choose to wear bikinis. There is also a cold wear gear for girlsbeach volleyball players. So, girls are allowed to wear full body suits in cold weather. It’s interesting to know that religion has an impact on beach volleyball as well. As you can see, Muslim girls beach volleyball players choose to wear uniforms with long sleeves and long pants. When picking clothing for girls beach volleyball players you need to make sure that it corresponds to FIVB guidelines.

– Spend some time on learning the rules of beach volleyball game. You need to know that there are many differences between beach and indoor volleyball sports. So, if you played the game of indoor volleyball earlier and decided to switch to beach volleyball then it makes sense for you to spend some time and figure out the key differences between two sports.

A beach volleyball match consists of three sets. A team has to win 21 points in order to win a set. If a beach volleyball team wins 2 sets then the team has won a match. Beach volleyball players have to switch sides of the court every 7 points. It goes without saying that you need to learn the rules of beach volleyball sport in advance!

– Sand creates additional difficulties for a volleyball player.It’s no surprise that sand makes it difficult for a volleyball player to move and jump during the game. So, your job is to adjust to sand as soon as possible. Obviously, it’s a great idea for athletes to run, move laterally and practice different types of volleyball exercises on the sand. And of course, it’s incredibly important for a beach volleyball player to keep a focus on increasing a vertical jump.

– Learn how to play beach volleyball game. As previously mentioned, sand is a big challenge for every beach volleyball player. That’s why you need to know how to deal with sand during beach volleyball matches. Obviously, running as well as moving laterally on sand have to be a key part of your beach volleyball player’s training program. Additionally, you need to master how to serve, pass, set, spike, block or dig on the beach.

– Consistency is the key. The success of a beach volleyball player depends a lot on consistency. That means that beach volleyball players need to practise their skills on a regular basis.Remember, you’ll learn basics at the beginning stages. That’s why consistency is particularly important for beginner beach volleyball players.      

– Keep your body hydrated. The reality is beach volleyball games are often played in hot weather conditions. For this reason, it’s incredibly important for a beach volleyball player to drink plenty of water. By doing this, you’ll be able avoid dehydration during matches and practices.

– Build great relationships with your teammate. A beach volleyball pair will be able to succeed only if two players can communicate with each other perfectly during the beach volleyball matches and practices. Volleyball players should also support each other in difficult situations. Obviously, every beach volleyball player has to do everything she can to establish good relationships with her teammate.

Tips for Girls Volleyball Players from Olympic Beach Volleyball Player Jennifer Kessy

Jennifer Kessy is a famous beach volleyball player. She is best known for winning gold at the 2009 World Championships and silver at the 2012 Olympic Games. Now, the legendary Olympic beach volleyball player wants to give her best advice tobeginners and experienced girls beach volleyball players. Let’s take a look at what helped Jennifer Kessy achieve great success in the sport of beach volleyball.

It’s worth noting that Kessy plays a close attention to yoga. She chooses to do yoga exercises and stretches before beach volleyball games and practices. The player suggests that doing yoga exercises has a big positive impact on her shoulders and hips.

Another important thing is that Jennifer Kessy made ladder drills a key part of her training program.

Jennifer Kessy is also happy to share the best workout tip with girls volleyball players. She says that athletes need to do their best to burn as many calories during their workouts as possible. Kessy recommends beach volleyball players to choose 3 different machines for their workouts. She advises athletes to focus on such exercises as shoulder press (10 reps), leg extension (10 reps) and leg curls (10 reps). It’s a good idea to finish workout with a cardio workout.

It’s also important to note that Jennifer Kessy emphasizes the importance of eating healthy for beach volleyball players. She suggests that it’s a good idea for athletes to drink milk regularly. It’s widely known that milk is an excellent source of protein that every volleyball player needs. So, drinking milk is a great way to get protein.

Tips for Girls Volleyball Players from Olympic Beach Volleyball Player Misty May-Treanor

We have also analyzed the interview with another famous Olympic beach volleyball player, Misty May-Treanor carefully. Now, we would like to share her insight into the sport of beach volleyball. Therefore, girls volleyball players can take advantage of this interview and get additional tips.

Misty May-Treanor was asked a question about her favorite workouts. The athlete has replied and said that she likes to do planks and pull-up exercises. The player says that doing this type of exercises helps her get stronger.

Misty May-Treanor thinks that diet is also important as training. The athlete has shared her insight into healthy eating and the foods which fuel beach volleyball players. She says that it’s incredibly important for each beach volleyball player to eat carbs, fats as well as protein. The player says that she chooses to eat sandwiches after beach volleyball practices and matches.The athlete also prefers to eat fruits, vegetables and chicken. She also likes to drink protein shakes.

During the interview Misty May-Treanor was asked what advice she ever received. She replied that it’s important for people to do only what they like to do. In other words, you’ll be able to achieve success only if you enjoy what you are doing. That means that girls choose try beach volleyball only if they like this sport.

Misty May-Treanor has given an advice to beginner girls beach volleyball players. She says that athletes should never expect quick results. So, work hard and you’ll see the results over time!

We have provided girls beach volleyball players with general tips for beginners. Additionally, we shared the secrets for success from experienced beach volleyball players. Take advantage of this article to get started with beach volleyball! Good luck!



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